Friday, December 25, 2009


I remembered in one of my post, I questioned why did I create The Scrapbook Carton....I thought really hard and I penned it into a letter to all scrappers...

Hi Scrappers,

I believe many of you by now would have entered into The Scrapbook Carton and gone through the website, you might have made purchases or maybe hesitating to wonder if all this is real. Yes.It is real.

I sometimes wonder to myself why am I doing all this? True honest fact, I am not a scrapbooker (Surprise! Surprise). I’ve dabbled in it once in a long while due to the influence of the women in my life. I’ve never got addicted to it.

So why go through the effort of creating this? Go through 6 months of planning. Taking time of my day job to get this entire project together when I have no passion for it? I’ve been thinking about all this while moving this project along. There was alittle spark within me that kept me going and pushing ahead.

What is this little spark I speak of?

I am amazed by scrapbooking shown to me by the 2 closest women in my life. They would spend hours and hours snipping, trimming and applying ‘’magic’’ on the supplies they have purchased. They are doing it all for the ones they love around them. It touches me deep inside. I believe this is so for all the scrappers out there, they are doing it for the memory of someone special.

When I built The Scrapbook Carton, I made sure it has the same type of Love that each scrapbooker puts in. I think its time we return some of this love back to every scrapper out there.

When you receive a carton from us, I sincerely hope you can feel the love we put in getting it to you.


The Head Carton Honcho

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